Contact Me!

If you feel any desire to get in contact with me or just want add my voice into your social media feed, you're in the right place, I try to respond relatively quickly but I make no promises to do so.

Social Media

Contacting me through one of these methods is the simplest and quickest way to get in contact with me.

I do have other social media accounts not attached to my business, if you contact me through them I will probably block you, i.e personal Facebook, Linkedin, etc.

Email Guidelines

If for you don't have any of the social media platforms listed above and you still want to contact me I have a few guidelines set in place, if you break them then don't expect a response.

Product Placement

If you're looking to promote your product through my channel I'm more than happy to have a read through what you have to offer, however I will be fairly picky in what I decide to promote through my main channel.